Thursday 18 August 2011

Welcome to the Blog Spot of the Uth Sut Trekkers.

“Uth Sut,” Sounds weird? Indeed it is. In this era of cyber age this name does sound a bit weird and a little bit not so cool. The main reason to give this name to the group is because of its characteristic, In Marathi, the literal meaning of Uth Sut Will be getting up and leaving very promptly. It was chosen also because of the similarities it had with the founder members of the group, the tag line of “Plans can fail, So why plan?” was being followed. So we decided to adapt the name, though a bit weird, but in a serious sense.
Now it’s almost been 2 years that this group is arranging treks, but initially lacked the support of the most important thing in any group, community, organization or business: The human element, YOU the members. I was going through the Face book page of our group after the Panhalgarh – Vishalgarh trek, and was very proud to see the name appearing on a newspaper for the feat attained by the group members.  
I just hope that this does not stop here and day by day the glory of this group keeps on increasing. This could only happen if there is a boost seen in the number of group members. So gather all the likeminded folks, who would never want to miss a chance to seek shelter under the cover of Mother Nature.
                                                        “……Chala Uthuya ani Sutuya……..”’

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